Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Roy Trumbull  The Scarecrow Takes Time to Think  Marvelous Land of Oz 
 2. amy grant  it takes a little time  Behind the Eyes 
 3. amy grant  it takes a little time  Behind the Eyes 
 4. Galaxia vs Seroquel  The Time Takes All (v.3)  unreleased 
 5. Seroquel vs Galaxia  The Time Takes All Away  unreleased 
 6. Kelly Fitzgerald  Just Takes Time  So Far 
 7. Catch 22  It Takes Some Time  Alone In A Crowd-Full Promo   
 8. Seroquel vs Galaxia  The Time Takes All Away  unreleased 
 9. Seroquel vs Galaxia  The Time Takes All Away  unreleased 
 10. Seroquel vs Galaxia  The Time Takes All Away  unreleased 
 11. Seroquel vs Galaxia  The Time Takes All Away  unreleased 
 12. Bebo Norman  Time Takes Its Toll On Us  Between the Dreaming and the Coming True   
 13. The Cow Exchange  Waiting Takes Time   
 14. Forty Second Songs  Waiting Takes Time  Song Fight 
 15. King Arthur  Waiting Takes Time  Tales from the Songfights vol. 4 
 16. The Idiot Kings  Waiting Takes Time  Songfight 
 17. Forty Second Songs  Waiting Takes Time  Song Fight 
 18. The Cow Exchange  Waiting Takes Time   
 19. his name is dan  waiting takes time   
 20. Mariah Carey  Love Takes Time  Greatest Hits Disc 1   
 21. Da Masta Jay Leave  It Takes Time 2 Built   
 22. his name is dan  waiting takes time   
 23. King Arthur  Waiting Takes Time  Tales from the Songfights vol. 4 
 24. The Idiot Kings  Waiting Takes Time  Songfight 
 25. Fancy  Love Takes Time www.moderntalking.ru   
 26. Seroquel vs Galaxia  The Time Takes All Away imperial frontier remix   
 27. Bob Dylan  It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry  Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited  
 28. Dyer Weed  It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry  Dyer Weed's Day in the Park 
 29. Little Feat  It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry  2005-08-20 - River Roots Live festival, LeClaire Park 
 30. Zippo & Friends  It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry  www.savoy-truffle.de/dylan 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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